lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

How to make trivial cards

STEP 1. Open a new document in google DRAWINGS
STEP 2. Go to "file"=>"page setup"=>"custom"=>21cm x 29.7cm (DIN-A4 size)
STEP 3. Create a 9cm x 6cm rectangle
STEP 4. Design your card. It must contain the following elements:

STEP 5. Copy your design and put it in the right positions:

CARD 1 FRONT: x=1 y=1
CARD 2 FRONT: x=11 y=1
CARD 3 FRONT: x=1 y=8
CARD 4 FRONT: x=11 y=8
CARD 5 FRONT: x=1 y=15.5
CARD 6 FRONT: x=11 y=15.5
CARD 7 FRONT: x=1 y=22.7
CARD 8 FRONT: x=11 y=22.7

CARD 1 BACK: x=11 y=1
CARD 2 BACK: x=1 y=1
CARD 3 BACK: x=11 y=8
CARD 4 BACK: x=1 y=8
CARD 5 BACK: x=11 y=15.5
CARD 6 BACK: x=1 y=15.5
CARD 7 BACK: x=11 y=22.7
CARD 8 BACK: x=1 y=22.7

STEP 6. Enter your google classroom => Go to "JUGUEM I...APRENEM" class => Look for assigment "TRIVIAL CARD TEMPLATES" => link and send the following 4 documents:

miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

How to build a paper box

1. You need two DINA4 (one for the BOTTOM of the box, the other one for the TOP)

2. For the TOP part
a. First we must convert our DINA4 to square shape.

b. And then, we must fold it following the instructions

3. For the BOTTOM part: You can follow this tutorial.


4.  Once each member of the group has done a box. You must decide which parts are you gonna keep for your definitive box (you can combine pieces of the different boxes to see which combination looks nicer)

5. Then, you must decide how to DECORATE your box. There are two obligatory things about this decoration:
a. The Trivial Pursuit logo

b. Some banner with "INS LA MITJANA EDITION" (in CAPITAL letters)  inside:

The rest is all about yourself and your group's creativity and imagination!